irritable bowel syndrome

IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Hypnotherapy is emerging as the most effective treatment for severe Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Using hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis clients can engage their mind at the deepest level to relax the gut.

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Widespread mystery

  • It is estimated that as many as 8 million people in Britain suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) to a greater or lesser degree, with symptoms including pain, constipation, diarrhoea and bloating. Finding effective treatment had been very difficult and the condition can seriously damage sufferers’ quality of life.

  • Although food and diet allergies can sometimes generate similar symptoms, physical causes and cures for IBS have so far proved something of a mystery to doctors and researchers. However, it is now widely understood that IBS is usually a direct result of anxiety and stress.

  • Treatment using Hypnotherapy is the breakthrough that IBS sufferers have been waiting for and is now known to be highly effective in most cases.

What is IBS?

IBS is a chronic condition that can be really distressing. It can be socially stressing, emotionally draining and detrimental to the physical well being of the sufferer. Factors known to aggravate the condition are stress, hormone changes (in women) and dietary triggers.

As IBS can be a life long condition it could obviously be a very valuable option for patients.

Like Professor Whorwell, I use Hypnotherapy targetted at the gut to alleviate the symptoms of IBS and ultimately change the body's reaction to anxiety and stress so that it doesn't recur in most people I see.

What are the typical Symptoms of IBS

Some of the typical physical symptoms of IBS are:

  • Abdominal bloating

  • Flatulence

  • Constipation

  • Diarrhoea

  • Abdominal cramps (diffuse, colick-like aching, often eased by passing wind or stool)

  • Sudden, urgent need to pass stool

  • Mucus in stool

  • Frequent, and incomplete passing of stool

In 2005 a research breakthrough was made using hypnotherapy in the treatment of IBS, by Peter Whorwell, Director of the South Manchester Functional Bowel Service and Professor of Medicine and Gastroenterology.

For over twnety years Professor Whorwell has been researching the use of gut-directed hypnotherapy. Most recently, 250 patients who had suffered from IBS for over two years were given twelve 1hour sessions.

70% Success rate

Professor Whorwell reported that the treatment has a success rate of about 70%, and hypnosis, although it is labour-intensive, could be a highly effective treatment for the condition; and a less expensive alternative to the new, costly drugs coming onto the market.

Professor Whorwell explains “IBS is ideal for treatment with hypnosis, as there is no structural damage to the body...” “During the hypnotherapy, sufferers learn how to influence and gain control of their gut function, and then seem to be able to change the way the brain modulates their gut activity...".

"We’ve found it to help all the symptoms, whereas some of the drugs available reduce only a few...”.

Hypnotherapy Treatment to Help IBS

You will learn controlled relaxation with hypnosis and self-hypnosis

It is believed that hypnosis is so effective because reducing anxiety makes the bowel less sensitive and reduces pain activity in the brain.

Explore the events that trigger your IBS

In hypnosis you can identify stressful situations while viewing them from an emotional state of calm well-being.

Discover your own powerful, inner resources for becoming relaxed and centred

Learn a more relaxed way of responding to your stress and the world around you

Use guided imagery and inner focus

With a view to gaining control over sub-conscious body functions, and hence restoring their health and efficacy

Work deeply on implanting powerful thoughts of self confidence at the deepest level of your thinking

The aim is to empower yourself to take on any challenges you need to, in a positive and strong way


Typically clients would need around 6 sessions spread over 12 weeks but this depends on the individual's unique needs and situation.

Treatment Length

This varies from person to person.

Contact Me

To book in, or discuss anything you need (no obligation), just ring me on 07719 833 814 or use the form below.

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